November 24, 2012 | Captains bLOG | 0 comments | Author: Captain Rob
With a departure date of Monday, November 12 Dream Catcher cast off her mooring lines that had held her secure to her dock side home. Slicing the tranquil harbor waters like a hot knife though butter in the pre-dawn hours she turned her bow into the wind bound for Iniskin Bay 80 miles away for PND Engineering and the Pebble Mine Group.
Just to be clear for you that have no concept of how far off the beaten path Iniskin Bay is, no one lives any closer than 80 miles across a nasty winter stretch of water known as Lower Cook Inlet. Last year the whole area for a hundred miles north and south and 15 to 20 miles east of shore was encased in solid ice. There are no roads into this area, just one cat (bulldozer) trail leading up over a mountain pass that is used in the summer time to take boats and equipment into Illiamna Lake. There is of course two volcanoes in the area, both that steam and one that spews forth every decade or so blacking the sky and dumping ash on us in Homer. Other than that you could say in its own desolate way it is beautiful, remote, and just as inhospitable as it can get in the winter!!
Take care,